So there is this boy in my life, and as far as I can tell, he shall forever be a boy, in the best way possible. He may be a former physicist- turned -neuroscientist, who manages to do work, while surfing for baseball statistics and listening to old Britney Spears singles (Anybody else aware of her song "Email my heart"?)
Anyhow, today, this boy proposed to start a family-style band in the vein of the Jonas Brother phenomenon, with his yet-unborn son and a stuffed monkey who occupies his time, that he affectionately refers to Monkey T. Monkey (yes, it's surprising but this boy went to a good school--actually, Harvard, but then everyone makes mistakes, right?). The band is to be called Cavalcade of Awesome and will cover thinly-veiled Disney song knock-offs. Like the "Oval of Life."
Yes, again: I date this guy.
But before this un-born son surfaces and his stuffed monkey comes to life in a Pinnochio-esque fashion (I'm presuming after the boy wails "When you wish Upon a Celestial Body"), you must unfortunately hold off on the celebration of mediocre music and settle for these select songs.
Track 1: "Heart and Soul" Gone Beethoven.
Track 2: "Jai Ho" (yes, poor thing can't do the Indian, but it still is catchy.)
Track 3: As promised, Email My Heart. The interweb stalker love anthem. A heartfelt plea from a former stalkee.
Track 4: "Girls Like You." His magnum opus. Yes, he wrote it himself. It's the top 40 song that you haven't heard but wish you did.